Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Christmas in Helsinki...there have been many wonderful moments but still a time of missing family and friends soooo much!  Here's some of our highlights!
The season began with a "Manger Lighting Ceremony" at the temple.  It was followed with refreshments in the housing center:

It's very small with only the lanterns lit but beautiful!

We are with the office staff minus one sister.  The sister next to me is Finnish and travels to the office every day on a ferry.  The other couple, the Frances  are from Kenab, Utah and Sister Horning is also from Utah!  They are wonderful people and have welcomed us with open arms!

Sister Hirst and Horning had a Christmas party in their apartment!  They included the office staff, us, Pres. & Sister Rawlings, and 4 missionaries!

Our simple and mostly homemade decorations!  The  little pyramid is a traditional Christmas decoration in Finland and you see them in most windows!

We actually made a paper chain! 
 Sheri sent us pillow sleeves to add to our decor!

 Simple homemade gifts!

There are MANY flower shops in Helsinki! They only had white flowers before the Christmas season but added red ones as Christmas drew nearer!

Stockmann is the biggest department store in Finland...
the following pictures are their decorations in the store!

The long dark days have been brightened by the lit streets!

The Esplanadi is a park block through the center of downtown and all the tree trunks had 1,000s of lights:

This is the Finnish Santa (have no idea of the correct spelling but pronouced Yolo pukie)  He is standing in Senate Square in front of the national cathedral where there was a Christmas street fair.

We ate delicious salmon and potatoes..but the lady insisted on including some of the little crunchy fish from Finnish lakes.  Paul actually tried them!

The office staff put on 3 zone Christmas dinners and we helped with 2 of them on the 22nd and 23rd.  The missionaries are darling and so appreciative. After lunch the Zone conference part lasted 3 hours and then we had clean up so those were very long days!

Their "appetizer" was a Finnish tradition, rice porridge with cinnamon and sugar and milk!  They loved it...we did not!

Christmas Eve is the "big day" in Finland...we hosted the 3 in town office staff and had a wonderful evening..pork roast & salmon...and Christmas games and stories.  It was great!!!   This is the traditional drink, Glogi...we really like it.  It's a fruit drink  served hot with cinnamon and cloves (the Finns serve it with almonds and raisins).   Christmas day, after church, we spent on SKYPE  which was the best part of all!!!!!

Finally, here is my wonderful companion!  I couldn't do this without him!!!


  1. You are so great at capturing such wonderful moments. The city looked so beautiful decorated for Christmas!!! What an amazing thing to know all over the world we are all celebrating the birth of Christ!! You look so cute in all the pictures and your "homemade" gifts look incredible!!!!! The office staff looks so sweet. Your decorations looked great too! Thanks for all the pictures!

  2. Paul and Bev, Looks like your Christmas in Finland was a little different, but I can tell you have kept your can do, positive attitude! So glad you are doing this blog, Happy New Year! Rebecca

  3. Ken and Regina JordanJanuary 6, 2012 at 12:21 PM

    Dear Bevie and Paul,


    We are so impressed with all that you are doing. It brings back memories for Ken about his mission in Denmark. We want to go on a mission so much and will do so if (heaven forbid) something happens to my dad. We would choose a temple mission, but if we went somewhere like Finland, I think that I would choose that.

    We miss you so, and we know that you are on the Lord's errand. The San Diego temple is going strong. Being the Co-ordinator of the Youth Center is a lot of work, But I feel the same way about Ken that you feel about Perfect Paul. I could not do it without my eternal companion. I think I will start calling Ken, Perfect Ken, or Kind Ken or some other adjective that describes how wonderful a husband can be.

    Love you will all our hearts. Keep the letters coming because we love to year about Finland Fantasies.


    I know that you are making a splash in Finland and that Finland will never be the same after having you there.

    Love forever,

    Ken and Regina (and Grandpa of course).

  4. Ken and Regina Jordan and Don Carlos Wood Jr. (aka Grandpa)January 6, 2012 at 12:25 PM


    If you have time, I know that Ashley would love to see your blog. Her e-mail address is ajordanperez@gmail.com.

    Merry Chrismas and Happy New Year. (How do you say in Finnish). and how do you say I love you?

    Ken remembers some Danish, and he says that Finnish is a cross between Russin and Dutch.

    Love you.
